PBC - Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface


PBC - Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface

graph LR; %% Schritte, Formen A(PBC<br>Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface) B(PBC-0010 <br>check webshop document) C(PBC-0020 <br>set message status) D(PBC-0030 <br>revise data) E(PBC-0040 <br>check and release data) %% Reihenfolge A -.- B linkStyle 0 stroke:#ffffff B ==> C C ==> D D ==> E %% Style, Farbe style A fill:#ffffff, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style B fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style C fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style D fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style E fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px

This process describes how the imported e-commerce documents are further processed in the system.

Incoming processes: - IBC - Import BE-terna Commerce Interface - JQE - Job Queue Entries Setup

PBC-0010 Check webshop document The webshop document is checked and errors are listed in a table by the system.

PBC-0020 Set message status A status is assigned to the webshop document.

PBC-0030 Revise data
If errors occurred when releasing the webshop document, they are manually corrected in the system in this step.

PBC-0040 Check and release data The webshop document is processed by the system and appropriate system documents are created.


PBC-CON - Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface Contacts

graph LR; %% Schritte, Formen A(PBC-CON<br>Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface Contacts) B(PBC-CON-0010 <br>check webshop document) C(PBC-CON-0020 <br>set message status) D(PBC-CON-0030 <br>revise data) E(PBC-CON-0040 <br>check and release data) %% Reihenfolge A -.- B linkStyle 0 stroke:#ffffff B ==> C C ==> D D ==> E %% Style, Farbe style A fill:#ffffff, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style B fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style C fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style D fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style E fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px

This process describes how the imported webshop contacts are further processed in the system.

Attention: In order to convert the imported webshop contacts into contacts in the BC, several setups must be correct: 1) On the "Webshop Setup" page, the No. Series for webshop contacts must be defined, 2) on the "Webshop Channel Card", the user must turn on "Allow Contact Modification", 3) on the "Webshop Channel Card", a "Customer Templ. Code" must be chosen. As a preparation for this step, the user must go to the list of "Customer Templates" to setup a customer template for BE-terna Commerce Interface by choosing the "BE-terna Commerce Interface" at the field "Contact Type". Besides, improper information from the webshop will also hinder the data transfer. For example, the contact salutation of the imported webshop contacts must be correct. Only those salutations, which are previously defined on the "Salutations" page in BC, can be accepted. If it is a new customer, the "Contact No." of the imported webshop contact must be empty. If it is an existing customer, the "Contact No." must be a contact number of existing customer in BC.

PBC-CON-0010 Check webshop document The web shop contact is checked and errors are listed in a table by the system.

PBC-CON-0020 Set message status A status is assigned to the webshop contact depending on whether the check was error-free or not.

PBC-CON-0030 Revise data
If errors occurred during the check of the webshop contact, they are manually corrected in the system in this step.

PBC-CON-0040 Check and release data The webshop contact is processed by the system and corresponding BE-terna Commerce Interface type contacts are created.

PBC-SOP - Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface Sales Order Processing

graph LR; %% Schritte, Formen A(PBC-SOP<br>Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface Sales Order) B(PBC-SOP-0010 <br>Check webshop document) C(PBC-SOP-0020 <br>set message status) D(PBC-SOP-0030 <br>revise data) E(PBC-SOP-0040 <br>check and release data) %% Reihenfolge A -.- B linkStyle 0 stroke:#ffffff B ==> C C ==> D D ==> E %% Style, Farbe style A fill:#ffffff, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style B fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style C fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style D fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style E fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px

This process describes how the imported webshop documents are further processed in the system.

Attention: In order to convert the imported order into BC sales order, several setups as well as imported information must be correct: 1) the "Assigned Webshop Country Setup" under the button "Setup" on the Webshop Chanel Card must be defined properly. 2) The contact number must be an existing contact number in BC. 3) The customer number must be an existing customer number in BC. 4) Shipping method ID must be defined by clicking the "Assigned Shipping Agent IDs" under "Setup" on the Webshop Channel Card. The webshop must use the defined Shipping Method ID. 5) The fields on the page Payment Types under "Setup" on the Webshop Channel Card must be defined completely.

PBC-SOP-0010 Check webshop document The webshop document is checked and errors are listed in table form by the system.

PBC-SOP-0020 Set message status A status is assigned to the webshop document depending on whether the check was error-free or not.

PBC-SOP-0030 Revise data
If errors occurred during the check of the webshop document, they are manually corrected in the system in this step.

PBC-SOP-0040 Check and release data The webshop document is processed by the system and appropriate sales orders are created.

PBC-ROP - Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface Return Orders Processing

graph LR; %% Schritte, Formen A(PBC-ROP<br>Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface Sales Return Order) B(PBC-ROP-0010 <br>check webshop document) C(PBC-ROP-0020 <br>set message status) D(PBC-ROP-0030 <br>revise data) E(PBC-ROP-0040 <br>check and release data) %% Reihenfolge A -.- B linkStyle 0 stroke:#ffffff B ==> C C ==> D D ==> E %% Style, Farbe style A fill:#ffffff, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style B fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style C fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style D fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style E fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px

This process describes how the imported webshop documents are further processed in the system according to the webshop channel setup.

Attention: In order to convert the imported returns into BC documentation, several setups as well as imported information must be correct: 1) the field "Sales Location Code Webshop" on the Webshop Channel Card must be defined, 2) the contact number must be an existing contact number in BC, 3) the customer number must be an existing customer number in BC, 4) the Line Type must be defined by clicking the "Assigned Webshop Line Types" button under "Setup" on the Webshop Channel Card. There should be usually 7 different types with respective type code from 1 to 7, which represent, for example, item, resource and G/L Account. 5) The return reason must be defined on the Return Reason page. The webshop must export the defined Return Reason Code. Otherwise, the imported return order cannot be processed by BC.

PBC-ROP-0010 Check e-commerce document
The webshop document is checked and errors are listed in a table by the system.

PBC-ROP-0020 Set message status The webshop document is assigned a status depending on whether the check was error-free or not.

PBC-ROP-0030 Revise data
If errors occurred during the check of the webshop document, they are manually corrected in the system in this step.

PBC-ROP-0040 Check and release data The webshop document is processed by the system and a sales return order is created.

PBC-RES - Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface Reservation

graph LR; %% Schritte, Formen A(PBC-RES <br>Processing BE-terna Commerce Interface Reservation) B(PBC-RES-0010 <br>check webshop document) C(PBC-RES-0020 <br>set message status) D(PBC-RES-0030 <br>revise data) E(PBC-RES-0040 <br>check and release data) %% Reihenfolge A -.- B linkStyle 0 stroke:#ffffff B ==> C C ==> D D ==> E %% Style, Farbe style A fill:#ffffff, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style B fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style C fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style D fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px style E fill:#DCE0F7, stroke:#1B1464, stroke-width:3px

The reservation is transferred to the Business Central system via the BE-terna Commerce Interface interface.

Attention: In order to convert the imported reservation into BC documentation, several setups as well as imported information must be correct: 1) the "Assigned Webshop Country Setup" under the button "Setup" on the Webshop Chanel Card must be defined properly. 2) The contact number must be an existing contact number in BC. 3) The customer number must be an existing customer number in BC.

PBC-RES-0010 Check webshop document The webshop reservation is checked and errors are tabulated by the system.

PBC-RES-0020 Set message status The webshop reservation is assigned a status depending on whether the check was error-free or not.

PBC-RES-0030 Revise data
If errors occurred during the check of the webshop reservation, they are manually corrected in the system in this step.

PBC-RES-0040 Check and release data The webshop reservation is processed by the system and a stock transfer order is created for the reservation of the items to be reserved from the store to a stored reservation or selection warehouse.

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