Import Sales Order

Import Sales Orders

To push orders into Microsoft Business Central the URL POST http://<serer name>:<odata port>/<service instance name>/api/BEterna/Import/v2.0/companies(<company system id>)/orders?$filter=webshopChannelCode eq '<webshop channel code>' can be used. The filter on the webshop channel code is mandatory. It must be called with a JSON structure to create an order:

   "webshopChannelCode" : "B2C",
   "orderId" : "12345",
   "orderType" : "1",
   "orderDate" : "2022-05-27 13:30:00",
   "subclient" : "",
   "customerIP" : "",
   "language" : "DEU",
   "testOrder" : "0",
   "registeredCustomer" : "1",
   "adChannel" : "",
   "adMedia" : "",
   "subtotal" : "10000",
   "totalAmount" : "10400",
   "tax" : "1661",
   "currency" : "EUR",
   "giftWrapped" : "0",
   "customsDuty" : "0",
   "ustIdNo" : "",
   "customerComment" : "",
   "warhouseShipmentDate" : "",
   "customerNo" : "12345",
   "contactNo" : "12345",
   "salutation" : "Herr",
   "title" : "",
   "name" : "Tester",
   "name2" : "Test",
   "street" : "Teststraße",
   "housenumber" : "1",
   "addressSecondLine" : "",
   "zip" : "12345",
   "city" : "Testort",
   "isoCountry" : "DE",
   "state" : "",
   "email" : "",
   "phone" : "",
   "customerNoBilling" : "12345",
   "contactNoBilling" : "12345",
   "salutationBilling" : "Herr",
   "titleBilling" : "",
   "nameBilling" : "Tester",
   "name2Billing" : "Test",
   "streetBilling" : "Teststraße",
   "housenumberBilling" : "1",
   "addressSecondLineBilling" : "",
   "zipBilling" : "12345",
   "cityBilling" : "Testort",
   "isoCountryBilling" : "DE",
   "stateBilling" : "",
   "emailBilling" : "",
   "phoneBilling" : "",
   "salutationShipping" : "Herr",
   "titleShipping" : "",
   "nameShipping" : "Tester",
   "name2Shipping" : "Test",
   "streetShipping" : "Teststraße",
   "housenumberShipping" : "1",
   "addressSecondLineShipping" : "",
   "zipShipping" : "12345",
   "cityShipping" : "Testort",
   "isoCountryShipping" : "DE",
   "stateShipping" : "",
   "phoneShipping" : "",
   "shippingMethodId" : "1",
   "shippingCosts" : "400",
   "paymentMethodId" : "1",
   "transactionId" : "",
   "paymentCosts" : "0",
   "orderLines" : [
         "id" : "1",
         "type" : "1",
         "itemNumber" : "12345",
         "variant" : "",
         "singlePrice" : "10000",
         "amount" : "1",
         "voucherCode" : "",
         "discountAmount" : "0",
         "reservationRequestLocation" : "",
         "lineDescription" : "",
         "lineDescription2" : "",
         "warhouseShipmentDate" : ""

If a field is empty it can be left out in the JSON structure. The header fields have the following meaning:

field data type content
webshopChannelCode Text[20] Webshop Channel Code
orderId Text[20] distinct ID of the order
orderType Text[30] type of the order, actually only the value 1 is supported
orderDate Text[30] order date and time in the form 2022-05-01 10:00:00
subclient Text[30] the subclient who placed the order, actually not used
customerIP Text[30] IP address of the customer, actually not used
language Text[3] language code of the customer
testOrder Text[1] 0 or 1, actually not used
registeredCustomer Text[1] 1 if the customer is registered and must exist, 0 if it is a guest order
adChannel Text[30] advertising channel the customer came from, actually not used
adMedia Text[30] advertising media the customer came from, actually not used
subtotal Text[30] the sum of all order lines in the least currency unit, e.g. Cent
totalAmount Text[30] the total amount of the order including shipping an payment costs in the header data in the least currency unit
tax Text[30] the VAT amount of the order in the least currency unit
currency Text[10] the ISO3 currency code of the order
giftWrapped Text[1] 0 or 1, actually not used
customsDuty Text[30] customs duties for the order in the least currency unit, actually not used
ustIdNo Text[20] VAT identifier of the customer if needed
customerComment Text[80] special customer comment for the order
warhouseShipmentDate Text[20] shipment date of the order, can be empty, is used for all order lines that do not have an own shipment date
customerNo Text[20] customer no. of the order, must be filled, even if the customer is new
contactNo Text[20] contact no. of the order, must be filled and exist
salutation Text[30] salutation of the customer, actually not used
title Text[30] title of the customer, actually not used
name Text[50] last name of the customer
name2 Text[50] first name of the customer, can be empty
street Text[50] address (street location) of the customer
housenumber Text[10] house number of the customer
addressSecondLine Text[50] second line of the customer address
zip Text[20] zip code of the customer
city Text[30] city of the customer
isoCountry Text[10] the ISO2 country code of the customer
state Text[30] the state of the customer, is only useful for U.S. orders
email Text[80] the email address of the customer
phone Text[30] the phone no. of the customer
customerNoBilling Text[20] billing customer no. of the order, must be filled, even if there is no different billing customer
contactNoBilling Text[20] billing contact no. of the order, must be filled and exist
salutationBilling Text[30] salutation of the billing customer, actually not used
titleBilling Text[30] title of the billing customer, actually not used
nameBilling Text[50] last name of the billing customer
name2Billing Text[50] first name of the billing customer, can be empty
streetBilling Text[50] address (street location) of the billing customer
housenumberBilling Text[10] house number of the billing customer
addressSecondLineBilling Text[50] second line of the billing customer address
zipBilling Text[20] zip code of the billing customer
cityBilling Text[30] city of the billing customer
isoCountryBilling Text[10] the ISO2 country code of the billing customer
stateBilling Text[30] the state of the billing customer, is only useful for U.S. orders
emailBilling Text[80] the email address of the billing customer
phoneBilling Text[30] the phone no. of the billing customer
salutationShipping Text[30] salutation of the shipping address, actually not used
titleShipping Text[30] title of the shipping address, actually not used
nameShipping Text[50] last name of the shipping address
name2Shipping Text[50] first name of the shipping address, can be empty
streetShipping Text[50] address (street location) of the shipping address
housenumberShipping Text[10] house number of the shipping address
addressSecondLineShipping Text[50] second line of the shipping address
zipShipping Text[20] zip code of the shipping address
cityShipping Text[30] city of the shipping address
isoCountryShipping Text[10] the ISO2 country code of the shipping address
stateShipping Text[30] the state of the shipping address, is only useful for U.S. orders
emailShipping Text[80] the email address of the shipping address
phoneShipping Text[30] the phone no. of the shipping address
shippingMethodId Text[30] the shipping method of the order, must be one of the shipping ids assigned to the webshop channel
shippingCosts Text[30] the shipping costs of the order in the least currency unit, if not transfered as an order line
paymentMethodId Text[30] the payment method of the order, must be one of the payment ids assigned to the webshop channel
transactionId Text[30] The transaction Id distinctively identifieing the electronic payment of the order, must be filled if configured for the payment method
paymentCosts Text[30] additional payment costs for the order in the least currency unit, if not transfered as an order line

There can be one or more order lines. They are transfered using a JSON array. The following field can be defined for a single order line:

field data type content
id Integer distinct identifier of the line in the order, must be distict per order
type Text[30] must be one of the following values: 1 item line, 2 voucher sale, 3 discount, 4 shipping costs, 5 voucher cashing in, 6 payment costs, which values are possible depends on the setup of the webshop channel
itemNumber Text[20] the item number for item lines, must be empty otherwise
variant Text[10] otionally the item variant code for item lines, must be empty otherwise
singlePrice Text[30] unit price of the line in the least currency unit
amount Text[30] the quantity of the line for item lines, otherwise ist must always be 1
voucherCode Text[30] the voucherCode for voucher sale and cashing in, otherwise is must be empty
discountAmount Text[30] the discountAmount of the orderline in the least currency unit, the discount amount is for the whole order line and is not depending on the quantity
reservationRequestLocation Text[10] not used, must be empty
lineDescription Text[250] the line description of the order line, if empty, the standard line description of business central is used (e.g. item description)
lineDescription2 Text[250] the line description 2 of the order line, if empty, the standard line description 2 of business central is used (e.g. item description 2)
warhouseShipmentDate Text[20] shipment date of the order line, can be empty

The request is answered with a JSON structure containing all the header data that were transfered. If the answer should contain the transfered order lines as well, the $expand=orderLines can be attached to the URL and the answer contains the full order data that were transfered:

   "@odata.context": "http://betlpznb207:7268/BC/api/BEterna/Import/v2.0/$metadata#companies(c309b416-2edd-ec11-bb45-000d3a392167)/orders/$entity",
   "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzE5OzczMTc3ODQ0MzEzODk0ODgxMTIxOzAwOyc=\"",
   "systemId": "826cd7ec-fbdf-ec11-9978-f2a09b5afc21",
   "webshopChannelCode": "B2C",
   "orderId": "12345",
   "orderType": "1",
   "orderDate": "2022-05-27 13:30:00",
   "subclient": "",
   "customerIP": "",
   "language": "DEU",
   "testOrder": "0",
   "registeredCustomer": "1",
   "adChannel": "",
   "adMedia": "",
   "subtotal": "10000",
   "totalAmount": "10400",
   "tax": "1661",
   "currency": "EUR",
   "giftWrapped": "0",
   "customsDuty": "0",
   "ustIdNo": "",
   "customerComment": "",
   "warhouseShipmentDate": "",
   "customerNo": "12345",
   "contactNo": "12345",
   "salutation": "Herr",
   "title": "",
   "name": "Tester",
   "name2": "Test",
   "street": "Teststraße",
   "housenumber": "1",
   "addressSecondLine": "",
   "zip": "12345",
   "city": "Testort",
   "isoCountry": "DE",
   "state": "",
   "email": "",
   "phone": "",
   "customerNoBilling": "12345",
   "contactNoBilling": "12345",
   "salutationBilling": "Herr",
   "titleBilling": "",
   "nameBilling": "Tester",
   "name2Billing": "Test",
   "streetBilling": "Teststraße",
   "housenumberBilling": "1",
   "addressSecondLineBilling": "",
   "zipBilling": "12345",
   "cityBilling": "Testort",
   "isoCountryBilling": "DE",
   "stateBilling": "",
   "emailBilling": "",
   "phoneBilling": "",
   "salutationShipping": "Herr",
   "titleShipping": "",
   "nameShipping": "Tester",
   "name2Shipping": "Test",
   "streetShipping": "Teststraße",
   "housenumberShipping": "1",
   "addressSecondLineShipping": "",
   "zipShipping": "12345",
   "cityShipping": "Testort",
   "isoCountryShipping": "DE",
   "stateShipping": "",
   "phoneShipping": "",
   "shippingMethodId": "1",
   "shippingCosts": "400",
   "paymentMethodId": "1",
   "transactionId": "",
   "paymentCosts": "0",
   "orderLines": [   {
      "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzE4OzcxNTE0NzU1MzU0NjMzNDEyOTE7MDA7Jw==\"",
      "systemId": "836cd7ec-fbdf-ec11-9978-f2a09b5afc21",
      "id": 1,
      "type": "1",
      "itemNumber": "12345",
      "variant": "",
      "singlePrice": "10000",
      "amount": "1",
      "voucherCode": "",
      "discountAmount": "0",
      "reservationRequestLocation": "",
      "lineDescription": "",
      "lineDescription2": "",
      "warhouseShipmentDate": ""

In this article