Export Vendor

Export Vendor

The vendor(s) can be accessed via the url GET http://<server name>:<odata port>/<service tier name>/api/BEterna/Export/v2.0/companies(<company system id>)/vendors. The response is a JSON with all vendors with applied filters.

    "@odata.context": "http://<server name>:<odata port>/<service tier name>/api/BEterna/Export/v2.0/$metadata#companies(<company system id>)/vendors",
    "value": [
            "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzE2NTUyMzMxNDY2NzkzNDM3OTE2MTswMDsn\"",
            "systemId": "c5e3714f-45f7-ec11-82ec-6045bd8e59b5",
            "no": "10000",
            "name": "Fabrikam, Inc.",
            "name2": "",
            "address": "10 North Lake Avenue",
            "address2": "",
            "postCode": "US-GA 31772",
            "city": "Atlanta",
            "countryRegionCode": "US",
            "phoneNo": "",
            "eMail": "krystal.york@contoso.com",
            "currencyCode": "",
            "languageCode": "ENU",
            "paymentTermsCode": "CM",
            "shipmentMethodCode": "CIF",
            "blocked": " "
            "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzE3OzY5OTUzMjU5ODgyMTkyNjcyMTswMDsn\"",
            "systemId": "c9e3714f-45f7-ec11-82ec-6045bd8e59b5",
            "no": "20000",
            "name": "First Up Consultants",
            "name2": "",
            "address": "Allan Turing Road, 20",
            "address2": "Surrey",
            "postCode": "GU2 7XH",
            "city": "Guildford",
            "countryRegionCode": "GB",
            "phoneNo": "",
            "eMail": "evan.mcintosh@contoso.com",
            "currencyCode": "",
            "languageCode": "ENG",
            "paymentTermsCode": "CM",
            "shipmentMethodCode": "CIF",
            "blocked": " "
            "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzE5OzE0MTA5MTUzMDc5MjcxNDY2MjQxOzAwOyc=\"",
            "systemId": "cde3714f-45f7-ec11-82ec-6045bd8e59b5",
            "no": "30000",
            "name": "Graphic Design Institute",
            "name2": "",
            "address": "Arbachtalstrasse 6",
            "address2": "Unter Achalm",
            "postCode": "DE-72800",
            "city": "Eningen",
            "countryRegionCode": "DE",
            "phoneNo": "",
            "eMail": "bryce.jasso@contoso.com",
            "currencyCode": "",
            "languageCode": "DEU",
            "paymentTermsCode": "CM",
            "shipmentMethodCode": "CIF",
            "blocked": " "
            "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExOTAwNTQyMDI3MzY2NTY0Njc4MTswMDsn\"",
            "systemId": "d1e3714f-45f7-ec11-82ec-6045bd8e59b5",
            "no": "40000",
            "name": "Wide World Importers",
            "name2": "",
            "address": "Aviator Way, 3000",
            "address2": "Manchester Business Park",
            "postCode": "M22 5TG",
            "city": "Manchester",
            "countryRegionCode": "GB",
            "phoneNo": "",
            "eMail": "toby.rhode@contoso.com",
            "currencyCode": "",
            "languageCode": "ENG",
            "paymentTermsCode": "CM",
            "shipmentMethodCode": "CIF",
            "blocked": " "

The fields are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID distinct identifier for a webshop item record
no Code[20] the code of the vendor
name Text[100] the name of the vendor
name2 Text[50] the name 2 of the vendor
address Text[100] the address of the vendor
address2 Text[50] the address 2 of the vendor
postCode Code[20] the post code of the vendor
city Text[30] the city of the vendor
countryRegionCode Code[10] the country/region code of the vendor
phoneNo Text[30] the phone no. of the vendor
eMail Text[80] the e-mail of the vendor
currencyCode Code[10] the currency code of the vendor
languageCode Code[10] the language code of the vendor
paymentTermsCode Code[10] the payment terms code of the vendor
shipmentMethodCode Code[10] the shipment method code of the vendor
blocked Enum "Vendor Blocked" the blocked value of the vendor

In this article