Export Item

Export Item

The item can be accessed via the url GET http://<server name>:<odata port>/<service tier name>/api/BEterna/Export/v2.0/companies(<company system id>)/items?$filter=webshopChannelCode eq '<webshop-channel-code>' and no eq '<item-no>'&$expand=itemDescriptions($expand=descriptions),categories,itemDynamicAttributes,itemFreeTextAttributes($expand=freeTextLanguages),crossSellingItems,itemSelectionVariants($expand=crossSellingVariants). The filters on the webshop channel code and item no. are mandatory. Any of the $expand parts can be removed. The response is a JSON with all information for filtered item.

    "@odata.context": "http://<server name>:<odata port>/<service tier name>/api/BEterna/Export/v2.0/$metadata#companies(<company system id>)/items",
    "value": [
            "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzEwNjM4NDM0NjcyMTAzNjI2NTE0MTswMDsn\"",
            "systemId": "f8b5ee21-420e-ed11-be5c-e554bbdc35f2",
            "webshopChannelCode": "B2B",
            "no": "1001",
            "released": true,
            "firstReleasedDate": 2022-07-07,
            "vendorNo": "10000",
            "itemDescription": "Chair",
            "itemDescriptions": [
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExMjQ2MDcwMjc1MTA5MjM3NjI4MTswMDsn\"",
                    "systemId": "16daa938-9302-ed11-be50-bbe07c808f1d",
                    "language": "DE",
                    "metatitle": "Stuhl",
                    "descriptions": []
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExMjQ2MDU4OTMyODM4ODg1NTU0MTswMDsn\"",
                    "systemId": "b5821b8b-9302-ed11-be50-bbe07c808f1d",
                    "language": "SRP",
                    "metatitle": "Stolica",
                    "descriptions": []
            "categories": [
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExMjQ2MDY1NzI2OTY0OTY1NDQ3MTswMDsn\"",
                    "systemId": "4cb626f4-550e-ed11-be5c-e554bbdc35f2",
                    "code": "FURNITURE",
                    "main": true
            "itemDynamicAttributes": [
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExMjQ2MDY0NjI3NTY5NTMzMDI2MTswMDsn\"",
                    "systemId": "432cd735-560e-ed11-be5c-e554bbdc35f2",
                    "code": "A1",
                    "value": "V2"
            "itemFreeTextAttributes": [
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzE5OzYwMjY4Nzg5NzY4ODE0Mzc1OTkxOzAwOyc=\"",
                    "systemId": "6d34d646-560e-ed11-be5c-e554bbdc35f2",
                    "code": "FEATURES",
                    "freeTextLanguages": [
                            "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExMjQ2MDcwMjc2ODIzMTk2MzY2MTswMDsn\"",
                            "systemId": "16daa938-9302-ed11-be50-bbe07c808f1d",
                            "language": "DE",
                            "text": ""
                            "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExMjQ2MDU4OTMzODQ0NTkwNTA1MTswMDsn\"",
                            "systemId": "b5821b8b-9302-ed11-be50-bbe07c808f1d",
                            "language": "SRP",
                            "text": ""
            "crossSellingItems": [
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzE5OzYwMjY4NzkwMDc1NjE4OTI0MjQxOzAwOyc=\"",
                    "systemId": "518d9df4-4f0e-ed11-be5c-e554bbdc35f2",
                    "crossItemNo": "1002"
            "itemSelectionVariants": [
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzE5OzQ2NjIwMjE2NzczOTc0ODE4NTAxOzAwOyc=\"",
                    "systemId": "9781cfdc-440e-ed11-be5c-e554bbdc35f2",
                    "code": "1",
                    "released": true,
                    "firstReleasedDate": "2022-07-07",
                    "crossSellingVariants": []

The fields of the item are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the item selection record
webshopChannelCode Code[20] the webshop channel code
no Code[20] the item no.
released Boolean the released
firstReleasedDate Date the first released date
vendorNo Code[20] the vendor no.
itemDescription Text[100] the item description

The fields of the item descriptions are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the ws prop. assigned record
language Code[10] the language
metatitel Text[250] the metatitel

The fields of the descriptions are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the integer record
type Text[25] the description type
text BigText the description text

The fields of the categories are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the ws category assigned record
code Code[10] the webshop category code
main Boolean the main category

The fields of the item dynamic attributes are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the dynamic attr. assgd record
code Code[10] the dynamic attribute code
value Code[10] the dynamic attribute value code

The fields of the item free text attributes are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the free text attr assgd record
code Code[10] the free text attribute code

The fields of the free text languages are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the ws. prop assigned record
code Code[20] the language code
text Text the text

The fields of the cross selling item are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the cross selling item record
crossItemNo Code[20] the cross item no. code

The fields of the item selection variant are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the item selection record
code Code[10] the item variant code
released Boolean the released information
firstReleasedDate Date the first released date

The fields of the cross selling variant are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID the system id of the cross selling item record
crossSellingItemNo Code[20] the cross item no. code
crossSellingVariantCode Code[10] the cross variant code

In this article