Export Inventory

Export Inventory

The inventory can be accessed via the url GET http://<server name>:<odata port>/<service tier name>/api/BEterna/Export/v2.0/companies(<company system id>)/inventories?$filter=webshopChannelCode eq '<webshop-channel-code>' and itemNo eq '<item-no>'&$expand=itemVariants. The filter on the webshop channel code and item no. is mandatory. The response is a JSON with all inventories with applied filters.

    "@odata.context": "http://<server name>:<odata port>/<service tier name>/api/BEterna/Export/v2.0/$metadata#companies(<company system id>)/inventories",
    "value": [
            "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExMjQ2MDYyNDM0MDYyOTU1OTM2MTswMDsn\"",
            "systemId": "b5faadd0-88f7-ec11-be4b-ede4b77edebd",
            "webshopChannelCode": "B2B",
            "itemNo": "1906-S",
            "itemVariants": [
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExMjQ2MDYzNzc0NTc1OTI4MDQwMTswMDsn\"",
                    "systemId": "bdcd1b75-ba01-ed11-be4f-e43ead1669c9",
                    "code": "T1",
                    "inventory": "60"
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzIwOzExMjQ2MDU3NDM5NzI2MTI1MDUyMTswMDsn\"",
                    "systemId": "b1f5bcd4-d201-ed11-be4f-e43ead1669c9",
                    "code": "T2",
                    "inventory": "0"

The fields of header are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID distinct identifier for an inventory record
webshopChannelCode Code[20] the webshop channel code
itemNo Code[20] the no. of the item

The fields of part are documented in the following table.

field data type content
systemId GUID distinct identifier for an inventory record
code Code[10] the code of the item variant
inventory Text the value of the inventory

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