Change Log

The change log records all relevant master data in BC. The relevant information relates to the item master data, price data and stock change as well as any master data that belongs to the area of e-commerce.

The following master date is logged:

o An item change is triggered when the following values have changed:

o The following information is treated separately

o document information:


MicrosoftTeams-image (3).png

The fields request date and request time describe the time of the change. It is also recorded in which table which data record has changed.

In the screenshot above you can see that an item record has changed. This is the item No. 0000729. The webshop channel field defines the target that should receive the change.

Then it is additionally logged how often this record change was sent and when it was sent last.

The system automatically sets the skip field if the item 0000729 already has an open, unsent change log entry. The old entry is set to skip and the new one can be set. This prevents the multiple transmission of changes to the shop.

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